Site Cleaning

Site Cleaning

After years of letting this site just sit around, I found some time to clean up. Things like removing plug-ins that are no longer useful.  Some were just causing my site to crash and it was time to switch to a new one. I ended 

Dolly Parton’s America

Dolly Parton’s America

Jad Abumrad’s podcast Dolly Parton’s America blows me away. You have to listen to it.

Study Notes: Leaves

Study Notes: Leaves

Drawing something well requires understanding it. In order to understand leaves better, I checked on some botany sites and found what I needed. Plants are divided into two main groups, Angiosperms and Gymnosperms. Angiosperms are more commonly known as flowering plants. They include flowers, bushes, 

Welcome Uggo the Hedgehog!

Welcome Uggo the Hedgehog!

Last night we picked up a new addition to the family, Uggo the Hedgehog.

Playing in the Streets: Why Manila Needs More Parks

Playing in the Streets: Why Manila Needs More Parks

Children playing in the streets, dodging running cars in the midst of play.

Reunion with Tito Wacky and a Liquor Trade

Reunion with Tito Wacky and a Liquor Trade

Tito Wacky had lunch in the house today. Reggie took a picture to commemorate the occasion.

New Perspectives via a New Lens

New Perspectives via a New Lens

First full day with my Petzval lens. I took some pictures around the house to test how it goes. The lens focal length is 85mm.  You do need to be at least 2 feet away to get the lens to focus. And 3-4 feet away 

Preparing Bullet Journal for February 2014

Preparing Bullet Journal for February 2014

Earlier this year, I decided to try the Bullet Journal system to see if it would suit my needs. So far, I’m finding it much easier to use than a pre-formatted paper planner. It is better for my tasks, thoughts, and notes. Having something physical 

The Mirror Project

The Mirror Project

There are times when you forget you’ve actually done something until something surprises you to remember it. I was doing a Google search on my name, and the top post is something I had totally forgotten I’d done. I had submitted a selfie to the 

Stargazer Lily

Stargazer Lily

I passed by Cartimar today with Glo to get some plants for the house. After picking various herbs, which I will take a picture of tomorrow, there was a wafting scent I could no longer ignore. When I asked the seller what that was, she