Welcome Uggo the Hedgehog!
Last night we picked up a new addition to the family, Uggo the Hedgehog.

Tita Trina gave him to us. Thank you so much!
Uggo’s name is from Brian Jacques’ book “The Rogue Crew”. The character’s complete name  is Uggo Wiltud. Thanks to Kyerul for suggesting we look up names from the series.
He’s about 4 months old. We spent most of today buying his supplies. We got him a wheel in Cartimar, where 1 shop was selling a DIY hedgehog wheel. It’s a kit assembled by PaMe’s Online Busy-ness. Lucky for me, the shop had already assembled it, so I just needed to bring it home. We got it for ?650.00 (approximately USD15.00) Most shops only have hamster wheels, made of bars, which is painful for them to run on. Only a solid surface is good for them. I’m glad we found it, as I wasn’t willing to go to Makati today. It’s payday Friday!

We also got him a water bottle, but he seems happier with the water dish we were using temporarily, so it’s his now! We bought the wrong shaving though, that’s why the bedding looks so sparse.
I’m planning on using cloth instead of wood shavings to avoid the mites. So, as soon as all the cloth is prepared and inspected to be hedgehog safe, I’ll be putting them in.
For food, we got Royal Canin Adult Kitten, as it was the only one I could find that didn’t have corn. Corn apparently makes them FAT and constipated. Luckily, he was willing to eat it without any fuss.
The box we got in the mall, as they don’t really make suitable hedgehog cages here. Also, DIY would take too long. It’s a huge box, with enough room for him to walk around in and not push wood shavings into his food.

So far, he’s sleeping a lot, and is shedding quills. I’m expecting him to need oatmeal baths and moisturizing with olive oil to help make the process less stressful.
But in the meantime, enjoy Uggo having a drink of water.